
"I wanna wash my face, my hands, my hair with snow"

Within the past 24 hours, Oklahoma has been hit with a blizzard. Snow drifts are up to 2 feet deep. Inches of snowfall is about 1 foot. Snow is still coming down. I am going to build an amazing snow man. Plus, I'm not in school. Which is lovely. Pretty much, this ginormous snow storm just decided to come to about 4 states. And I think that we're all quite happy, atleast, school kids are. Do I think that I'm actually going to be at school at all this week? Nope. Am I complaining? Nope. I'll take some pics, but it might be a while before I get to share any. I'm hoping to fix this computer today. Hoping that I will figure it out. I have everything backed up,  so we'll see where I get. 
Stay warm everybody, and enjoy this Winter Wonderland. 
xoxo. AE.

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